Strategic Marketing Management in Digital World

Programme Overview

To create marketing strategy in a new digital world, one needs to master three skills: Analytics – An understanding of new age tools to analyze the data so that we can view the customer preferences.
Customer Experience – Once we understand the customer preferences, we need to customize the experience of the customer so they feel they are part of the brand journey.
Customer Centric Strategy – The key to success would be the ability to use insight to create a customer centric strategy and use the technology from product or service to engage.
Digital technology has disrupted our daily lives and now help consumers decide what to shop and where to shop. Leaders today must not only understand technology but also be able to create a strategy which is digital focused. This course will enable you with the tools and insights to create customer delight using technology. Participant shall see an opportunity that a digital disruption creates and how your customer’s perspectives can be changed. Finally the programme will make the participant an effective leader with the ability to create an innovative and cutting edge marketing strategy in the new age.

Programme Objectives


Create & Deliver Customer Value

Identity & Utilize Key Resources

Gain Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Build Concepts to Implement & Execute a Digital Marketing Strategy

Create & Monitor content to Increase Customer Engagement

Who Should Attend?


Executives & Professionals

Manager & Fuctional Heads

Entrepreneurs & Startup Leaders

Programme Modules

Face to Face Sessions in Dubai – 20 Days

This module will teach learners how to solve difficult problems, get a better grasp of macro trends from an outside-in viewpoint, build, and execute strategies, and use frameworks as a toolbox.

Campus Immersion at IIM Indore - 06 Days

The campus module will help participants to synthesize the learnings along with the evaluation using highly integrated modules over a period of six days immersion program, on IIM Indore campus.

Course Curriculum

The programme is divided into several interdependent modules, each of which focuses on a different aspect or function of marketing management for Driving Digital Marketing Strategy.
  • The Technology Landscape
  • Business Models
  • Transformations of the Existing Business
  • Understanding the role of Social Media
  • Managing relationship, establishing brand reputation & creating strategies for customer to customer interaction through brand communities
  • User-generated content, World of Mouth and social stretegies
  • Managing brand in the crisis
  • Case study Analysis is a core requisite of the programme
  • The participants in Groups would analyze, discuss & deliberate on the case studies using a structure approach.
  • The Group is expected to identify & define the Management Problem, develop & evaluate the course of action, choose the best alternative and organize resources to
  • implement the chosen alternative.
  • Each Group would then present its findings in the form of a presentation or simulation or role play.
  • Understand the online implications of each element of the marketing mix
  • Extend each aspect of the ofline mix into the online world
  • Introducing partnerships as the marketing mix
  • Being to plan each element of the mix in an integrated online world.
  • Challenges of traditional STP
  • Targeting Customers & Inbound Marketing
  • Developing Consumer Persona
  • Positioning statements
  • Evaluate the range of options for traffic building
  • Develop a plan to balance the opportunities for traffic building
  • Identify success factors for different online communications tools
  • Review options for achieving positive representation on third party sites
  • Understand Customers
  • Consumer buying cycle
  • Mapping consumer journey maps
  • Overcome the issues and concerns
  • Advertisement effectiveness matrix
  • Forecasting methods
  • Network
  • Text mining
  • Difference between B2B & B2C
  • Creating a B2B Marketing Plan
  • Using social media in B2B
  • Acquiring and retention of B2B Customers
  • Understanding the importance and usage of CRM
  • Calcualting CLV
  • Role of the digital funnel, CPM, CPC, CPA, CLV, CLSV & other matrices
  • Introduction to AI and ML in marketing > Marktech & AI in Customer Acquisition
  • Marktech & AI in Customer Management OPEN
  • Context Generation (Digital assets, UI/UX Elements of Customer Experience
  • Strategic Leadership and Digital Transformation
  • Understand the importance of excellence in execution (and the need for internal marketing)
  • Control, monitor, measure, report and adjust

Do you have any queries? Get in Touch!

Alumni Benefits & Profiles


Alumni Benefits

To be eligible for the alumni status and alumni identity card, each participant will apply and pay, a one-time nominal alumni fees, directly to the institute

Alumni Profile

The programme creates a rich learning experience to all the participants as they are seasoned professionals with diverse academic background and posses experience across multiple business disciplines

Distinguished Faculty for the Programme


Prof. Aditya Billore

BE, MTech
Ph.D (IIM Indore)

Prof. Manoj Motiani

BE (Hons), PGDM (XIMB)
Ph.D (IIM Ahmedabad)

Prof. Subin Sudhir

BTech, MBA
Ph.D (IIM Kozhikode)

Programme Pedagogy


Real Life Case Studies


Business Simulations

Group Discussion & Presentation

Our Alumni from Leading Organizations


Registration Process & Fees

Programme Duration : 5 Months
Programme Period : September 2024 to February 2025
Sessions (Details) : 16 Days – 4 Days a month (Weekend) from 10:30am to 3:15pm
⚬ Live Online
Ideal for : Middle to Senior Level Managers, Functional Heads & Entrepreneurs
Last Date To Apply : July 31, 2024

As the seats are limited, the criteria of selection for the programme will be:

⚬ Academic background   ⚬ Professional experience

Last Date to submit Application : July 31, 2024
Enrollment Confirmation to Applicants : August 3, 2024
Course Fee Payment by Participants Course : Within 5 Days of confirmation
Inauguration and 1st Module Class : September 2024
Fee Includes:
Dubai Sessions : Tuition, Course Material and Certification.
Applicable taxes (5% VAT) extra.
Full payment : AED 11,750 (Full Fee to be paid within 5 days of confirmation)
Installments : AED 12,750 (PDCs need to be submitted within 5 days of confirmation)
AED 5,250 (within 5 days of confirmation)
AED 2,500 (monthly payments paid every month for 3 months)
Early Bird Discount : Registrations received with payments on or before early bird deadline will be eligible for an early bird discount of 10%. Check with Registration Office for more details.

Participant Testimonials


Do you have any queries? Get in Touch!